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Apple watch quality repair Dhaka, the device from Apple Lab. If you’re unlucky enough to find yourself with a smashed. scratched water-damaged Apple Watch. All may not be lost. Here’s how to repair a damaged Apple Watch. Or get Apple to replace it. It’s inevitable that anything you spend a lot of money on. And desperately want, will get broken. Call it sod’s law. Call it bad luck. But when you wear something everyday it’s bound to get damaged. And for an unlucky few, their longed for Apple Watch quickly got smashed or worse. Apple watch quality repair Dhaka, the best Apple watch repair center. The fact is that just days after the launch of the Apple Watch. We were seeing images of broken Apple Watches appearing online. But do not worried. We have the trained engineers on Apple watch. Anything happened on your Apple watch. We can repair it. A separate issue that some Apple Watch owners have complained about it’s poor battery life. Happily we have a separate article about how to maximize battery life. On the Apple Watch. Whatever’s gone wrong with your Apple Watch. However, there may be hope for getting it repaired or replaced. And in this article we’ll try to help you through that process. Apple watch quality repair Dhaka, the easy solution of your Apple watch. The Apple Watch shouldn’t break easily. The glass is strengthened. In the case of the Apple Watch Sport the watch face is made from Ion-X glass. While the standard Apple Watch. And Apple Watch Edition feature a Sapphire crystal front. This is supposed to be the hardest glass known to man. Sure enough, the Sapphire models seem to be coping better with the wear. And tear of daily life as a high-end wearable. With slight scratching about the worst we’ve seen among normal usage scenarios. The Sports models, on the other hand. Have been documented in quite a few cases as sustaining more visible damage. Smashed glass and the like. Apple watch quality repair Dhaka, can repair every issues of Apple watch. We mentioned normal usage scenarios just then. And you might be wondering what abnormal usage might look like. Found that the Apple Watch “will smash if you throw it face-down at the floor”. Which answers that question if you were wondering. Should you smash your Apple Watch screen. Whether or not you were hurling it at the floor at the time. It seems in principle to be fairly easy to replace the screen. Very shortly after the launch Apple Lab took the watch apart. And found that the screen was easy to remove and replace. See below for more information about Apple Lab tests. Apple watch quality repair Dhaka, the expert on Apple watch. Mind you, it’s possible that it may not be as easily scratched as some reports have suggested. Consumer Reports was only able to scratch the Apple Watch Sport screen after some pretty extreme efforts. And the site claimed they couldn’t scratch the Sapphire screen on the stainless steel Apple Watch at all. As well as damage to the all-important watch face. The stainless steel Milanese loop strap has been cited as a possible weak link. You’ll observe that it appears slightly scuffed up in the picture below. This isn’t all that surprising. Because stainless steel can scratch quite easily. And at least the Apple Watch’s straps are easily replaceable. Rapidly took the Apple Watch apart to see how easy it would be to fix. If anything went wrong with it. And the news was mixed. While the screen is simple to remove and replace. Repairs to other component parts may be distinctly problematic. Component level repair, from Apple Lab. As for whether the Apple Watch will be upgradable in the future. Apple Lab says: “Stripping out the internals will be difficult. And time consuming. Not the sort of thing your local Genius is equipped to handle. But we suppose Apple could provide a mail-order option.


Apple Lab.

ADC Empire Plaza, 2nd floor.

183, Satmosjid Road, 12/A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka.