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These are the original PICTURES, pups at 25 days of age, BORN (17-Mar-0213) Pure Breed Dogo Argentino o Argentine Mastifs Puppies for sale. Dame and Sire Imported. Price inclusive of Ear Cropping (if desired),Puppy Vaccination, Deworming, DMM Registration. All necessary training help on the puppy will be provided by SAM's Kennel. Only Dog Lovers are requested to communicate. Brokers or mediatory r prohibited to communicate. Potential owners would be gone through necessary environment readiness and background check. Students are encouraged to approach only if an animal lover and not taking in as ornamental deco. Dogo Argentino is a white DOg with aboundance of mussles and stemina. They are extremley loyal and devoted to its family. Friendly with kids and elderly. They are extremly possesive on any threat to their family, making them a perfect pet as well as very good guard Dog and schetuzhound. They are very inteligent and challange seeking. The white dense coat with thick bone structure and large head gives them natural grace and eligance. They do require early age obidience training. The Breed is relatively rare in BD and SAM's kennel is proud to be associated with this breed. These are the third generation of pups here in BD and till date it only indicated that it can sustain extremely well in country's weather. They are strong breed with minimal maintenance and does not fall sick. They require atleast 30 mins of playtime per day on average. Ther are extremely ferocious and teritorial to outsiders and requires necessary precauition to address such situation. It is capable of taking threat literally thrice its size down. The argentne mastif originated from ancient breed of CORDOBA Fighting Dogs now extinct. They were originaly Used for large and medium sized animal game hunt, Like Boar or Puma. |