Hospital management System Diagnostic management system * Feature: >Module: 1.Hospital information 2.Hospital address customization 3.Password setting 4.admin 5.User 7.pathologist 8.ultra sonogram 9.X-ray 10.ECG 11.Receiption 12.Collection counter 13.Bed management management 15.Cabine management 16. Medicine management 17.Operation theater management 18.OT and Service charge management * Head of accounts 1.Referecne doctors 2.parcentage of reference doctors 3.Employee accounts 4. Nurse Accounts 5. Expense accounts 6.Daily expense 7.Monthly expense 8.General expenses 9.Any kinds of expenses customization 10.Revnew accounts 11.Any kind of revenue account customization 12.Any kind of revenue account creating 13.Cash account 14.Total bank account 15.Billing address 16. Any kind of head of account creating option * Patient’s information 1. Admission 2. Registration 3.Outdoor patient 4. Indoor patient 5. Service system 6. Total hospital management 7. Total diagnostic management 8. Total pathology management 9. Total ultra/x-ray/ECG management *Category 1. Billing 2. Service System creating 3. Total billing customization 4. Editing, deleting, saving billing system *Head of billing 1. Total service provider customization 2. Service name creating 3. Code system 4. Quick search 5. Customization unit 6. Price /charge 7. Item name /Item price/ 8. Delete /edit/save/cancel 9. And many more *Hospital bill 1. Create patient 2. Quick search by registration 3. Add patient 4. Billing day wise/Month wise/year wise /time wise 5. Accounting with inventory 6. Code wise billing search 7. Total bill 8. Discount 9. Vat 10. Received amount/due/advanced 11. And many more with auto accounting system 12. Interactive Cash memo/Money receipt 13. Money receipt with company’s pad and without company’s pad *Pathology department Test type 1.Creating test type 2.Creating ultra sonogram 3.Creating X-ray 4.Creating ECG 5.Creating pathology 6.Creating any customization option of thousands 7.Code wise list 8.Serial wise list Test List 1.Total test list under pathology 2.Customization list setting under pathology 3.Thousands of option customization 4.Every option with Range ,Service name, point ,Result, Head and many more 5. Accounting with inventory 6.Quick search /rate/Auto scanner module system 7.Interactive received voucher 8.Enreached with delete, edit ,print, save button *Pathology bill 1. Create patient 2. Quick search by registration 3. Add patient 4. Billing day wise/Month wise/year wise /time wise 5. Accounting with inventory 6. Code wise billing search 7. Total bill 8. Discount 9. Vat 10. Received amount/due/advanced 11. And many more with auto accounting system 12. Interactive Cash memo/Money receipt 13. Money receipt with company’s pad and without company’s pad 14.Land networking system 15.Auto system to different department *Test Result 1.Search by Registration number 2.Auto knocking to different department with lab no. 3.Auto generated lab no. 4.Refference auto view 5.Range and without range 6.Test name drop down Manu 7.Test type drop down menu 8. Submitting only result 9. Print, save, delete, edit option 10. Interactive Test Result sheet *Accounts department 1.Collection 2.Interactive money receipt 3.Money receipt a4 print ,dot print,9 by 7 print, carbon print 4.Collection from patient 5.Collection from revenue 6.Collection from any customizable option 7.Collection with cheque /received voucher 8.Collection with description 9.Collection with comments *Payment 1.Payment to Employee 2.Payment to reference doctors or others 3.Payment to general expenses 4.Payment to Salary schedule 5.Payment to capital accounts 6.Payment to any customizable accounts *Cash transfer 1.Transfer cash to cash 2.Tranfer cash to Any bank account 3.Tranfer any bank account to cash 4.Customizable cash bank accounts *Amount payable 1.Any source of Hospital related affairs 2.From who 3.Why 4.comment and amount 5.Description 6.Cheque /Receipt voucher no. *Amount Receivable 1.Any source of Hospital related affairs 2.Why 3.To Whom 4.comment and amount 5.Description 6.Cheque /Receipt voucher no. *Reports 1.Patient list 2.Search patient 3.Search patient day wise 4.Search patient time wise 5.Search patient month/year wise *Account ledger/information Reporting 1.Reference account 2. Reference Doctors account and their total accounts 3.Employee account and their total accounts 4.Doctors accounts and their total accounts 5.Any accounts and their total functions *Cash bank Accounts reporting income 2.With ob and without ob 3.Cash account 4.Bank Accounts 5.Day wise /Month wise/year wise 6.Total loss 7.Total balance *Patients books reporting 1.Quick search by registration 2.Patients information 3.Patients due/payment 4.Patients service serial 5.Total payment view *Total reporting 1.Billing head reporting 2.Test type reporting 3.Test reporting 4.Service reporting 5.Lab and Technician reporting 6.Amount view reporting 7.Chart of accounts reporting *Trial balance reporting 1.Day wise 2.Month wise 3.year wise Revenue reporting 1.Hospital wise 2.Pathology wise 3.Day wise 4.Month wise 5.Year wise 6.Total balance 7.Quantity wise 8.Total background *Balance sheet 1.Day wise 2.Month wise 3.Year wise 4.Time wise 5.Asset 6.Liabilities 7.Chart of accounts 8.Patienst wise 9.Active account 10.Inactive account 11.Referecne account 12.Employee account 13.Capital account 14.different value sheet 15.Grand balance 16.profit and loss statement 17.Due sheet 18.Payment sheet 19.Others value 20.Day print option and export option. 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