My ClickBD
This course introduces mobile application development for the Android Platform. Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system. Students will learn skills for creating and deploying Android applications, with particular emphasis on software engineering topics including software architecture, software process, usability, and deployment. Training Methodology * Each session will comprise: Problem solving session, hands-on lecture session & practical exercise sessions. * Real Projects will be developed by participants throughout this course training Program. Our course outline: Chapter I:- 1. Introduction to Android 2.History 3. Using platform. Chapter II:- Java programming (primary idea) Chapter III:- Mobile phone feature Chapter III:- 1.Installing the SDK 2.Creating Android Emulator 3.Installing Eclipse 4. Installing Android Development Tools 5. Choosing which Android version to use. Chapter IV:- 1.Android Stack 2. Android applications structure Chapter V:- 1.Creating a project 2. Working with the AndroidManifest.xml 3. Using the log system 4. Activities Chapter VI:- 1.Application context 2. Intents 3. Activity life cycle 4. Supporting multiple screen sizes. Chapter VII:- 1.Text controls 2. Button controls 3. Toggle buttons 4. Images Chapter VIII:- 1.Parameters on Intents 2. Pending intents 3. Status bar notifications 4. Toast notifications . Chapter IX:- 1. Localization 2. Options menu 3. Context menu Chapter X:- 1. Alert dialog 2. Custom dialog 3. Dialog as Activity Chapter XI:- 1.Using string arrays 2. Creating lists 3. Custom lists Chapter XII:- 1.Google maps 2. Using GPS to find current location Chapter XIII:- 1. Shared preferences 2. Preferences activity 3. Files access 4. SQLite database Chapter XIV:- 1.View animation 2. Drawable animation Chapter XV:- 1.Content provider introduction 2. Query providers Chapter XVI:- 1.Web Services 2. HTTP Client 3. XML and JSON Chapter XVII:- 1.Service lifecycle 2. Foreground service Chapter XVII:- 1. Preparing for publishing 2. Signing and preparing the graphics 3. Publishing to the Android Market Course time( Two Month) 2 Hours Class Weekly 3 Days Total 24 Classes=48 hours Class time Schedule-1.Morning Session 2.Afternoon Session 3.Evening Session Course Fee- 15,000.00(Fifteen thousand taka only) Contract us: Phone:01712643138 House #38, Road# Gorib-e-newaz Avenue, Sector#11, Uttara, Dhaka-1230. |