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Within three months preparation, you will have scored in English paper 65% on BCS preliminary and later final exam --it is guaranteed by me! All will be on written documents--no problem. Hey! Within 30 to 45 days preparation, you will have 7+ IELTS, despite your basic problems of English. Of course, you need to have at least H.S.C. pass and you have to invest at least 6 hours in a day having internet. GREAT! It is a challenging motion of me, you will have that score no doubt!!! Quazi, having a score of 7.5 where writing band was just 8 several years ago. ( In my exam time, internet was so slow! Now it is a blessing despite not every day meeting with me, you can have all facilities!) Who is Quazi? MinhajQuazi ( Pen name) probably one of the most viewing article writers among all Bangladeshi around the world to PULSE, LinkedIn, where 450 million professionals are having above 1 million writers, a big venue for articulate professionals only. Pls join Facebook group: TOEFL& IELTS from বাংলাদেশ! P.S. If you need quality, you have to pay handsomely! Do you know? Quazi, a teacher to American academic site (, Alexa rank below 35,000) where all teachers' contribution usually checked it out to maintain the quality of teaching whether the teaching is right way! অনুবাদ: (আপনি কী জানেন ? কাজী, একজন ইংরেজী টিচার আমেরিকান একাডেমিক সাইটে ( এ যার Alexa rank 35,000 এর মধ্যে , আমাদের ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ১ লক্ষের উপরে) যেখানে experienced teachers দ্বারা প্রত্যেকটি পড়ানো topics পরীক্ষা করা হয় -- যাতে ছাত্র/ছাত্রীরা না ঠকে---টিচার কী পড়িয়ে গেল ! এই সাইট থেকে ফ্রি সব -- math, chemistry, physics শিখতে পারবেন, সতর্কতা: তবে যখন আপনার পরীক্ষা নিকটে এ ক্ষেত্রে এটা কাজ নাও করতে পারে ! ) Please learn from here just by gratis--( WARNING! if you have hurry, it may not helpful too, like within three months you need result score and so on.) |