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We (BdTutor24) are Home Tutor/Teacher Service Provider Media in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We provide the best/ quality-full (Male / Female) tutor all over in Dhaka city science 2014. we have over 10,000+ experienced male/female tuition teacher in Dhaka. CONTACT FOR A TUTOR:- SABBIR HOWLADER (Admin) RATNA AFROZ (Management) (BdTutor24) MOB: 01797-177 368, 01935 464 813 (Call time: 08:00AM to 09:00PM) Email: Website: >>> Quality is our Capital- ( _______________________________________________________ >>> Kinds of tutor: Class; Play/KG to JSC /SSC /HSC /O Levels /A Levels, Bangla Medium, English Medium (Cambridge, Edexcel), GMAT, GED, IELTS, Admission Test, Course, Spoken English, Computer private teacher for all, Etc. >>> Our Properties / About Us: Ensure a Best tutor for your Child of our 1st properties. We provide tutor in Dhaka Since 2013 and for our service / activities satisfactory all of parents, those who have received our tutor services cos we have over 4000 experienced Tutor in Dhaka. >>> Our Tuition Teacher Properties: All of our teacher are very smart and skilled for tutoring a student as very well. They all are owner of creative knowledge for to make a students a fully creativity and digitality. So, their are all really perfect for a student's. Process: For tanking our tutor service simple call to 01797-177 368 (08:00AM to 08:PM). We ensure you about a tutor as soon as possible. Itâ€s fully free for Guardian. #Note: Your can also check our all of tutors NID or Institutions ID card & all academic certification before conform your tutor. >> Salary will be negotiable according by Locations, Tutoring Days & Tutor Experience’s. ——————————————————————————————————————————– >>> We are the largest,fastest and secured home coach media of Bangladesh.We have male/female mentor who are exceptionally intrigued and experienced to give information on the ground Standard I-VIII/O level/A level/IB/English adaptation/Bangla medium/affirmation >>> Test/IELTS/spoken/GED/GMAT/SAT/TOFEL. On the off chance that you require this guide for the splendid aftereffect of your child/little girl contact with us .We give the best educator wherever of Dhaka city. >>> Instructors BACKGROUND: AISD,Aga khan ,Canadian int school, Greenherald, Hurdco, ISD,Lake head grammer ,Maple leaf, Mastermind,Manarat,Playpen,Sunnydale, Sunbeam, Scholastica , Turkish expectation ,English form school , Cadet school , NSU,EWU , BUET,DMC,DU . >>> Grant: The educator we have the accomplished "Every day Star Award" and 9 score on IELTS. Location we provide Teacher : Gulshan , Banani , Baridhara , Dhanmondi, Mohammadpur,Old Dhaka , Jatrabari, Mirpur , Segunbagicha , Jatrabari , Khilgaon,Mirpur , Mogbazar, Banasree. >>> SECURITY: We will show every certificate of teachers and give it to you for the security and we have all the biodata of the teacher. >>> OUR TEACHERS ARE FOR: 01797-177 368 (08:00AM to 08:PM) >> ISD schools IB experienced female/ male home teacher >> Play,KG ,STD(I-VIII),Bangla medium , English version male/ female tutor >> Edexcel O level male/female teacher for Science >> Edexcel O level male/female teacher for Commerce >> Edexcel A level teacher male/female for science >> Edexcel A level male/female teacher for Commerce (MOB : 01797-177 368) >> Cambridge O level male/female teacher for Science >> Cambridge O level male/female teacher for Commerce >> Cambridge A level teacher male/female for Science >> Cambridge A level male/female teacher for Commerce > > > IELTS Regular/ Crash coaching/Home teacher (for Doctor, Migration ,PHD degree, Defence officer) (MOB : 01797-177 368) SAT Regular / Crash Private coaching/ home teacher (USA / Canada admission) GED private coaching(admission without hsc/A level in IUB,EWU) Mastermind , Agakhan,Scholastica , Hurdco, Playpen students male/female teacher Green herald, ESS , Oxford,Sunbeam, Green dale, Wills little students male / female home teacher (MOB : 01797-177 368 (08:00AM to 08:PM)) > > > VNSC , Rifles square , Md preparatory students female/male home teacher Private Edexcel male/female home teacher (MOB : 01797-177 368) Private Cambridge students male/ female home teacher Music, ART male/ female home teacher DU, BUET, DMC , IBA , NSU , IUB , AIUB , EWU admission home teacher / private coaching > > > English version home tutor for science subjects English version home tutor for Commerce subjects AFTER CONTACTED WITH US WE CONFIRM YOUR TUTOR WITHIN 48 HOURS- It's free for guardian- > > > NB: SALARY IS NEGOTIABLE ON DISCUSSION FOR DAYS/WEEK; CLASS; SUBJECTS (01797-177 368) #Note: Your can also check our all of tutors NID or Institutions ID card & all academic certification before conform your tutor. CONTACT:- MOBILE: 01797-177368, 01935-464 813 (08:00AM to 08:PM), EMAIL: Thanks for being with us: (bdTutor24.Com) |