All India medical Services with CMC, Apollo, Narayana Health

Tk 1,000
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Treat Expert Travels
Member since:
01 Jul 2020
Dhaka Demra
Safety tips:
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DESCRIPTION for All India medical Services with CMC, Apollo, Narayana Health price in Bangladesh

TREAT EXPERT is one of the pioneers and the most reputable company in the field of medical tourism in Bangladesh. India offers World Class Medical Facilities, comparable with any of the Western and European countries. India has state of the art Hospitals and the finest medical experts. With the most excellent infrastructure, the best possible Medical facilities, accompanied with the most competitive prices, you can get the treatment done in India at the lowest charges. The Availability of Ayurveda and Naturopathy in the purest form makes India the most sought-after health destination.

TREAT EXPERT offers the top treatment and tour packages for the Bangladeshi patients going to India. With its unique cost control formula, we help the international patients to get the best quality of medical services and treatment facilities to the patients. We, as a Company are tied up with various hospitals and medical experts covering all forms of health – modern, holistic, and alternative treatment.

In addition to our medical services, we also provide complete transportation, travel, accommodation and tourist assistance to the health seeking individuals and their families. Please ask us your required queries and we will provide with the best possible solutions for your health.
Ask Doctor India, our goal is to prepare readers for travel abroad, help them recognize basic illnesses, and when necessary, ease the process of locating the best medical attention available. We provide consultancy for medical tourism in India, India health tourism, health, packages, Indian hospitals, surgery, operations, Ayurveda, wellness tourism in Bangladesh.

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