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Tiens Massager stimulates blood circulation and uses high-frequency vibration to massage reflex points under the feet and palms, promoting blood circulation. The frequency of vibrations muscles, smooth out any blood obstacles to speed up blood flow and harmonize the internal cycles. According to traditional Chinese medicine, each organ has a corresponding point in our feet and a potential lesion can be detected through the foot. The foot is the focal point of the nerves and has 6 of the 12 yin-yang points in the body, 3 yangs, and 3 yins, and qi blood flows through every part of our body. By applying pressure to these Yin-Yang points of our feet and studying the response to pain, one can identify the lesion in our body. The BMC messager provides a healthy massage with the technology of the high-frequency spiral in a clockwise direction. Some special advantages of using this machine are: (1) Relieves the pain of constipation due to excess weight (2)Relieves lower back pain from respiratory disorders arthritis (3) Regulates excessive insomnia and blood sugar levels (4) Get rid of body fatigue and exhaustion. (5) Relieves pain in any part of the body Do not use this machine if you have the following problems: 1. Menstrual Menorrhagia (Excessive Bleeding) in Women 2. Bleeding piles varicose veins. 3. Dialysis uncontrolled high blood pressure kidney failure. 4. Tuberculosis (TB) patients using pacemakers with metal implants in bones. 5. Malignant tumors of pregnancy. 6. Infectious diseases. Office: 958-968 (Ground Floor)East Shewrapara. Main Road, Apex – Lotto Showroom Back Building, Orbit Gully, Mirpur, Dhaka Mobile 01919-118016 01719-118016 Web: |