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Electro cautery machine to remove kinds of spot-on face and the skin surface, for example, freckle, age pigment, dot mole, granulation and tattoo. Leaving the patient, no existence of electric current in the process, no pain, no bleeding. High-frequency, high accuracy, fast effect. Offers more stable control and better performance. 10 level working intensity can be chosen according to the treatment object and area. Equipped with fine needles for more convenient use. Ideal for beauty salon, plastic hospital and home use. Target Area: Lips, Legs/Arms, Hands, Eyes, Neck/Throat, Body, Face Electric Spots Remove Pen: Remove freckles. Remove spots. Remove pigments. Remove aging spots. Remove spots: A Magic pen sweep across face to sweep off age spots, black spots, sun spots, freckles, pigments, etc... find the original of yourself. Touch the spot with electrical needle and move around the area. The melanin is burnt black and falls can be seen. Superficial spot over small area can be removed immediately. Warts removal machine Operation 1. Sterilization: Sterilize the needle with 75% alcohol. 2. Connect the Spot Remove Pen to the machine. Insert the plug. 3. Switch on the knob, adjust intensity. 4. Hold the Spot Removal Pen firmly to touch on the pigment/naevi. You will see the melamine decomposing. 5. Rub some antiphlogistin on it till decrustation. warts removal machine Precautions 1. Turn off the power switch first when finished. Take the Spot Removal Pen out to clean and sterilize. 2. Don't penetrate too deep into skin during usage or stay too long time in case of burning skin. 3. Continue once again when the scab off. Never penetrate to deep to leave scabs or pock marks. 4. Don't remove too many of spots at one time. Usually remove 3-5 spots at one time. 5. Don't touch water within 24 hours. Don't eat spicy food. 6. Don't tear off the scab by yourself. Let the scab fall off in a nature way to avoid infections or leaving scabs. 7. Avoid scorching sun in one month |