My ClickBD
I need to close my business cause of lacking time to move my place, my mom is already lied on bed so cant continue my office any more and dont want to continue also. Inventory all will be sell, if you need any more query ask me any time in whats app. few listing below: 1. Inventory ( cloths items + toy + watches+ parts+ wallet+ manikin) 2. Furnishers ( boss desk table + guest chair 2 + luxury boss chair) 3. Accesories - kitchen ware few of, cc camera, monitor, washing machine top load, m. Woven, few more items. Those item you dont want to take i will deduct those. Cant sell my licences. ** if you want to take current office at sample place also can take over too. Location: sector 10, road 21 Whats app: +8801707775304 |