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Call 01551816648 Sell Reason: Going Abroad ENVIE® (ECR 11) Speedster Professional Smart Fast Charger for AA & AAA Rechargeable Batteries (with LCD Display) + 2800mah Baterry, with Panasonic Eneloop AA Rechargeable Battery, Pack of 4 >Battery Charging Time: 15 mins e full charge hoye jai. Description: Professional Smart cell charger: This charger can charge 1-4 AA/AAA size Ni-MH/Ni-Cd rechargeable batteries for quick fast charging. +LCD display: LCD display shows the charging status of its corresponding slots, It shows letter “CHG” showing on LCD after batter loaded. +Feature BIS certified: This charger is BIS certified which means it provides guarantee of quality, safety and reliability of the product. =Smart IC: Charger is equipped with smart IC for protection against overheat and over current. +Bad Battery Detection display option. Made in India. Website: 1);p:ACCERG6RXJVHBKUG;pt:pp;uid:62146588-13a8-11ec-bf93-c1621009c55e;.ACCEZP82SCYSEUNN&ppt=pp&ppn=pp&ssid=p5cxcsbxdc0000001631434988332&otracker=pp_reco_Similar+Products_6_35.productCard.PMU_HORIZONTAL_Envie+Speedster+AA+2800+mAh++Camera+Battery+Charger_ACCEZP82SCYSEUNN_productRecommendation/similar_5&otracker1=pp_reco_PINNED_productRecommendation/similar_Similar+Products_GRID_productCard_cc_6_NA_view-all&cid=ACCEZP82SCYSEUNN 2) Jajakallah Khairan. |