My ClickBD
Only 1.5 year used Toyota Corolla 2004 Model Sedan is up for sell. This is a 4 type automatic transmission car equipped with a powerful VVTI 1500cc engine. This is an everything automatic car. This car has excellent AC cooling performance and interior leather seats are wrapped with protective cover. The rims are not the cheap stock rim provided by Toyota but rather an elegant looking better rim( I actually forgot the name). This car was rarely used even the tires look new; actually used only to take my sister to school-home. That was more or less it's only purpose. the picture you see is a downloaded photo from the internet of the exact model but our original car looks even shiner. (unfortunately I didn't a chance to take photo of our car). after 3-4 months driving the car was converted to CNG. the car absolutely scratch fee but you should note that the original side mirrors were stolen but replaced with another automatic side mirror. there's actually not much chance of negotiation but do call these numbers 01715524072, 028358074 and don't call 01922552739; it's currently turned off We are selling our everything because we are moving to a different country....All our new furniture and appliances are only 6 months to 1 year old. So, you might want to come to our house and see if you find something useful. Just because we are leaving this country doesn't mean we are giving things for free; we are not that desperate. So, do come with a decent offer and we are ready to sell everything.. We are also selling lots of other stuff.. Which might interest you..please do check out the following links to see if you need any... 1. SONY BRAVIA LCD TV 2.Transparent Glass dining table 3.Hatil made wall Showcase 4.SHARP Microwave Oven 5.Frigor Chest Freezer 6.SHARP upright freezer 7.Hatil made SOFA set |