My ClickBD
Huge Collection of 3D movies along with 1080p, 720p, 480p, Blurayrip and few of DVDrips 2 Terabyte (2048GB)++ Total bulk only at BDT 2500 only (Cheapest ever) Features: 1. Magnificiant Collection of brand new movies 2. Very few 80s & 90s renowned movies 3. 40+ 3D HalfSBS movies 4. Most of all English movies & significant collection of hindi movies 5. Significant collection of animation movies 6. Objectionable movies will be unexpected & not available 7. Fresh, fair & decent movies only 8. Most of them are DTS & AC3 sound codec, 5.1 channel supported. Notes: 1. Movie delivery service available for Dhaka metropolitan area only. 2. Home delivery can be provided depending on locality. 3. All movies were collected personally Plz Contact Hasan 01711506435 |