- New/Used: Brand New
- Color: Black
- Memory: 32GB
- Camera Pixel: 16MP+3.7MP
- Display: 5.6 inch
- WIFI: Yes
- New/Used: used
- Year: 2004
- Model: 2004
- Color: grey
- Mileage: 51000
- CNG: no
- CC: 2000
- New/Used: used
- Year: 2004
- Model: 2004
- Color: grey
- Mileage: 51000
- CNG: no
- CC: 2000
- City: Dhaka
- Location: Babar Rd
- Facing: East
- Area Sq Ft: 1400
- No. of Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 4
- Balconies: 3
- Car Parking: 1
- New/Used: USED
- Year: 2007
- Model: 2004
- Color: silver
- Mileage: 80000
- CC: 1500
- New/Used: new
- Type: keyboard
- Color: black
- New/Used: Used
- Year: 1999
- Model: Carina Ti
- Color: Maroon
- Mileage: 74000
- CC: 1500
- New/Used: used
- Year: 2002
- Model: 1997
- Color: silver
- Mileage: 70000
- CNG: cng
- CC: 1500
- Land Size: 30 Katha
- Location: near Kawla Bazar
- New/Used: New
- Brand: Sony
- Model: W800
- New/Used: used
- Year: 2015
- Model: 2002
- Color: black/silver
- CC: 250
- New/Used: NEW
- Brand: SAMSUNG
- Model: H6400
- New/Used: used
- Year: 2009
- Model: hunk 150
- Color: red
- CC: 150
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