- New/Used: used
- Brand: Acer
- Type: Iconia 6120
- New/Used: New
- Brand: Carrier
- New/Used: New
- Brand: MINSUN
- New/Used: New
- Brand: MINSUN
- New/Used: Used
- Brand: Panasonic
- City: dhaka
- Location: islampur
- Facing: south
- Area Sq Ft: 610
- No. of Bedrooms: 2
- Balconies: 1
- Car Parking: no
- Furnishied: yes
- Unit per Floor: 1
- Building Height: 6th
- New/Used: new
- Color: white
- Memory: 16
- New/Used: user
- Year: 2013
- Model: 2014
- Color: white
- CC: 150
- New/Used: Used
- Year: 2004
- Model: 2003
- Color: White
- Mileage: 121
- CNG: Yes
- CC: 2000
- New/Used: used
- Year: 1996
- Model: 1990
- CNG: yes
- CC: 1580
- Land Size: 40 Katha
- Location: Gazipur
- City: Dhaka
- Location: Uttara
- Facing: Wesr
- Area Sq Ft: 1295
- No. of Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 3
- Balconies: 2
- Car Parking: 1
- Furnishied: y
- Unit per Floor: 2
- Building Height: G+7
- New/Used: New
- Brand: Midea
- Land Size: 10KATHA
- Location: PURBACHAL
- New/Used: NEW
- Brand: carrier
- New/Used: Used/Recond
- Year: 2012
- Model: 2012
- Color: White
- CNG: No
- CC: 1500
- New/Used: Brand New
- Brand: canon
- Type: 700d
- Pixel: 18
- Zoom: 18-55mm
- New/Used: New
- Brand: Carier
- New/Used: new
- Year: 01811-114247 call now
- Model: 01811-114247 call now
- CC: 150cc
- New/Used: Used
- Brand: SIGMA DC
- Type: Lens
- New/Used: new
- Brand: Canon
- Type: mark III
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