Malaysia Student Visa

Tk 2,50,000
Seller info
Sold by:
Mohammadi Air Travels Ltd.
Member since:
17 Jun 2015
Dhaka Motijheel
Safety tips:
Don’t pay in advance
Meet in a safe & public place

DESCRIPTION for Malaysia Student Visa price in Bangladesh

This is Mohammadi Air Travels Ltd. A concern of MOHAMMADI GROUP.

We are serving our clients with after visa payment for Malaysia Student Visa. We are fast and able to provide you top class universities at any state in Malaysia. Lots of universities are providing low education, but our Universities are Unique in Malaysia in education support. We have office at Malaysia and our staff works for fastest admission and visa process.

1. Education: Minimum S.S.C
2. Result: Any
3. Education Gap: No Problem
4. Age: 18-35

Required Documents:
1. Passport
2. Photo
3. Education Certificate & Mark sheet

 After Visa

Visa Confirmation:
 100%

Please come to our office directly for details discussion. Agents are welcome to contact to our office directly.

*** APPLY NOW ***
Aziz Bhaban, 93 Motijheel C/A, 9th Floor
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
Phone : 9559428-29
Fax: +88 02 9550057
Mobile: 01712779277, 01972779277, 01675641543

Malaysia student visa 100% confirm visa Dhaka Bangladesh Malaysian embassy Dhaka Bangladesh Malaysia study program Malaysia student visa for Bangladeshi students applicants fast fastest admission low tuition fees with certificate without certificate visa

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