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Soursop 'Guanabana' Plant

Tk 1,800
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Sold by:
Mushtaq Ahmed
Member since:
13 Nov 2015
Dhaka Paltan
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DESCRIPTION for Soursop 'Guanabana' Plant price in Bangladesh

ক্যান্সার প্রতিরোধী সাওয়ারসপ
সাওয়ারসপ বা আতা বিশেষ ঔষধি গুণ থাকায় সারা বিশ্বে এর কদর দিনদিন বেড়েই চলেছে। বিভিন্ন দেশে এটা ক্যান্সার প্রতিষেধক হিসেবে ব্যিহার করা হয়। এর ফল সুস্বাদু, ফল হিসেবে এবং পাতা বা বাকলের রস চা এর মত পান করলে দেহের ক্যান্সার সেল বৃদ্ধি পায় না। প্রত্যেকের বাড়িতে, ছাদে বা টবে এমন ব্যবহার গাছ থাকা জরুরী নয় কি?
শুধুমাত্র ক্যান্সার আক্রান্ত পরিবারের জন্য চারার দাম ধরা হয়েছে। এ স্টক শেষ হলে সাধারণের জন্য নতুন দামে নতুন স্টক ছাড়া হবে।
Contact Mobile No. 01711669688 / 01911713526

Soursop 'Guanabana' Plant

Tree The sweet and tangy flavors from this unique fruit are irresistible

Soursop Trees produce remarkable fruit with a unique look and flavor. Those who have never seen a soursop before are often amazed by its elongated shape with bright green skin that has a soft prickly appearance.

However, aside from being famous for a distinct fruit soursops are also known for their amazing health benefits. The fruit and leaves contain a number vitamins and nutrients like potassium, calcium, iron, vitamin C and Vitamin A for healthy skin and energy.

Boil the leaves in water and make Soursop tea for even more nutrients and natural healing properties. Soursop leaves are believed to boost the immune system to help bodies fight off infections and viruses, as well as providing pain relief.

Those who are prone to back pain and illnesses commonly turn to soursop leaves for relief. Even those with eczema use the leaves to aid their skin.

Once you cut past the vibrant skin you will find the soursop's soft white and creamy flesh. Its zesty tropical aroma will fill the room and you'll have to give into your urges to bite into to soursop's tantalizing flesh that is filled with exotic flavors like mango, pineapple, and banana.

Soursop flesh is like a blended fruit smoothie with sweet and sour juices. You can't find this tropical blend of flavors anywhere else. Soursops are great for snacking as well as pairing with desserts like ice cream or pies.

Aside from producing tons of delectable fruit soursop trees also provide an exotic look with their lush green foliage and bright yellow flowers. The flowers pop against the soursop tree's long and slender leaves and draw the eye to their striking beauty.

Soursop trees will turn any space into a tropical get away indoors or out. This low maintenance tree is perfect for containers. If you live in an area that gets too cold for this tree simply place it in a pot and bring it indoors once the weather starts to get cold.

Soursop trees are hard to find, so they are often in limited supply. Be sure to order yours before they're all gone.

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